Thursday, February 19, 2015

All Things Books

Well, I'm back for week two! Hopefully I can keep up the pace. Sometimes things get kind of crazy when you're in college. (Fun Fact: I am writing this post while working in the students center because...why not?)

I have done my best to focus on more reading and writing this year, and so far I think I'm doing fairly well. I definitely want to use 2015 to get back to work on "Follow the Raven." I have already begun the process of brainstorming for the updated version, since I know the first draft was so scattered I will have to do an entire rewrite before I even think about editing Version 2.0. The rewrite won't change too much about the story - if anything, it will add more to the plot and character development, which will be good.

In addition to my serious writing, I am still working on fanfiction over on Wattpad, though I recently wrapped up my Sonic trilogy (much to the sadness of many of my readers) and began working on my very first TMNT fic, titled "Dude, This is No Vacation." So far it has gotten a good reception. In less than a month I have gained 300 reads, 40 votes, and 20 comments. I have also had new readers tell me they were not expecting the story to be something they liked, but I now have them hooked. Yay for me!

As far as reading goes, I have done quite a bit. My initial goal was to read about four books a month, or one a week. (I took into account the fact that I will be participating in NaNoWriMo 2015 as well.) January went extremely well, but I think that's because I was still on Christmas vacation for most of it. These are the books I read for the first month:

February has not been a failure yet. I still have about nine days to read two and a half books. These are the books I have read / plan to read before the end of the month:

And yes, the first three books are part of a trilogy. I am about halfway through the second book, so you can see why I'm trying to catch up. It's not that the books themselves are slow, it's just that I run out of time to read very quickly in the day. Excuses, excuses. I'll get it done...hopefully.

Well, that about wraps it up this time. If you want to see my reviews for any of the books above, be sure to check out my profile on Goodreads. And if you want to read some totally radical fanfiction, come visit me on Wattpad! Next week will be more of a nerdy post. Until then, I'm up, over, and gone!

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