Friday, May 1, 2015

Free Comic Book Day Haul (May Day Special)

BOOM! Two posts back to back! Bet you didn't see that coming. And as far as the title goes, I don't know what May Day is...I just know that it's a thing my parents celebrated growing up that I have never heard of before. It's just fun to call this post a special, because it is in a way.

Tomorrow is the legit Free Comic Book Day (FCBD), but we were celebrating it at school today because there's hardly anyone on campus over the weekend. It was so cool to be a part of it. I was a judge for the Comic Art Contest as well as the Costume Contest. While there really weren't many people involved, it was such a cool experience. It was like the tip of the iceberg of a Comic Con. (And I mean the TIP.)

And THIS fangirl was all over the place. I collected several comics, both free ones and the ones that came in the mail via subscriptions. So without further ado, allow me to give you a FCBD Haul! These are the titles I picked up today:

I have never heard of most of these, but hey, it's always good to try something new! Of course, TMNT was the first one I picked up, and I know about TTG! and Doctor Who. But I'd never seen the others before. I particularly enjoyed Action Lab's Gronk, which is about a little monster girl who epically fails at being a monster because she's so adorable and kind-hearted. That comic also featured the Hero Cats of Stellar City, which I fell in love with immediately. Both stories were really cute. I also took the time to read BBC's Doctor Who, featuring three mini-stories about Doctors 10, 11, and 12! (I may have also grabbed an extra copy for my friend in high school, who had no idea this was going on. She'll be psyched.)

I haven't yet read the other titles I picked up at FCBD, but I will, if only to turn around and be like, "What did I just read?"

Besides those comics, though, over a period of a few months I have collected quite a set that I really need to just sit down and read already. I have my reasons for two sets, but not the third. NO EXCUSES, NERD!!


I don't know why I haven't read the TMNT issues. They're solo stories. I think it's because they've been sitting beneath my Sonic comics this whole time. Out of sight, out of mind.

As far as the Sonic comics go...lately I've been waiting until the whole story arc comes out within a series because I hate cliffhangers. But now that I have the full stories for both Sonic titles, once I read those and get all caught up, I won't wait for the entire thing anymore. I'll just have to hang off those cliffs until the next ones come out! I love my Sonic! I don't want to wait! #gottagofaster

On a side note, I received Sonic the Hedgehog #271 in the mail this afternoon, which is partly what inspired this post. So many comics today, and even though I didn't get my free Sonic comic, I got one in the mail. It just seemed like a perfect way to end FCBD. And HOLY CRAP did I fangirl when I got it. Want to know why? Because freaking SCRATCH AND GROUNDER were on the cover, and they haven't been on the cover of a Sonic comic since the 1990's!! I love those guys!! It is so cool to see them back in the spotlight again. (I guess there IS an upside to the effects of the Second Genesis Wave after all...)

And there you have it!! Those are the comics I've collected recently - now to sit down and read them all! I'm particularly excited to finish "Spark of Life," because the fact that Nicole meets her father is kind of a big deal. Like, I didn't even realize her father was still alive. (Genesis Wave!)

One more thing: a couple of days ago I realized that the Sonic Super Store was having a huge sale on Sonic Graphic Novels, and I spent an hour or so trying to figure out which ones I really, REALLY wanted. It was hard! So many of the Sonic Select series contained rare miniseries (Sally, Tails, Sonic Quest, etc.). In the end I ended up getting Sonic Legacy #3Sonic Select #3, and Sonic Select #9. I previously had not owned any of the Sonic Select series, and now I have two on the way! I'm really psyched for #9, because it's all about gaming and it has Shadow on the cover. <3

That's all for now. I'll be back next week with some interesting information about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (casting, photos, news, etc.). See you then!

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