Saturday, July 23, 2016

My Thoughts on the #Sonic25th Announcements

Oh, man, where do I begin?!

OK. Last night there was this huge party going on for Sonic's 25th Anniversary. A month late, but so worth it! At this party, all of the important people who make Sonic's existence possible came together and announced a lot of really exciting things for the blue hedgehog's future. There was a LOT to keep up with, but there were two huge announcements that stood out to me, both concerning brand new games coming our way in 2017 (non-Boom related!).

The first game announced was Sonic's official 25th Anniversary game, Sonic Mania. This game will be taking Mobians young and old on a trip back in time to Sonic's roots as a gaming icon, which means the gameplay will be entirely 2D side-scrolling, complete with 90s-style graphics! What! In addition to the game being a throwback to the good old days, Sonic will be exploring some new Zones and trying out some new moves as well. Two other playable characters were announced, too. You guessed it - Tails and Knuckles. I'm super excited to see Sonic return to his origins entirely with this game and am looking forward to riding the wave of nostalgia that comes along with it. I was super psyched to hear about this game, set to release in the spring of 2017. You can watch the trailer for it here.


While this next game does not currently have a name other than Project Sonic 2017, the reveal trailer is - as I described on Twitter yesterday - the COOLEST reveal trailer for a game I've seen in a while, and one that DEFINITELY has me hyped! I'll have you watch the trailer for this one first, pause a moment so you can fangirl, and then explain all the reasons it is going to be awesome.

Guys. You cannot possibly imagine the amount of fangirling that went on when I watched this for the first time. After having only Boom Sonic for the past two years to tide me over, it was SO great to see Modern Sonic return for his own game again. The graphics are awesome, the storyline that the trailer suggests is EPIC, and the potential for Sonic to return to the gaming world with a boom is incredible! (I may or may not have screamed like a Directioner and then cried a little when I saw Modern Sonic's reveal in this trailer. Just saying.)

The thing that really boggles my mind about the whole reveal, though, is this: the people who announced this game explicitly stated that it is NOT a sequel to Sonic Generations, yet clearly Classic and Modern Sonic are seen working together yet again to defeat a common enemy. My first thought was, how can this not be a sequel? What else can it be?

And then a genius Mobian in the comments section of the trailer suggested something brilliant. He proposed that perhaps the story of the game is that Eggman succeeds in taking over the world, creating a dystopian future from which Silver escapes, traveling back in time to collect both Classic and Modern Sonic to help him defeat the doctor once and for all.


That story would be so cool on so many levels, and like the commenter said, it would explain how it is not a sequel to Generations and is its own unique game with its own story. But beyond that, I personally think that would be a fantastic move on SEGA's part. I have always felt really bad for Silver. He gets such a bad reputation because of his premiere game, and he has never played a really crucial role in any Sonic game since. It's been ten years! The poor guy deserves a second chance, and this game would be a perfect opportunity for that. I've been dying to see Silver play a main part in a game again for years. (Plus, it would give Silver's new voice actor a chance to, you know, actually SAY something...)

So, to sum it up as calmly as possible, I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS GAME!!

Now I'm going to briefly switch gears away from the Anniversary party and talk about Sonic Boom for just a moment. I was disappointed that we didn't get an official release date for Season 2 of the show within all of the other announcements going on at the party last night, so I decided to take matters into my own hands and do some snooping. During said snooping, I came across some posts that reminded me that Sonic Boom - annoyingly - airs in Europe weeks before it ever airs here in the U.S. Also in said snooping I came across a screenshot from an episode in (presumably) early Season 2 that totally put me in my place and reminded me that the wait will be worth it.

Are you ready for this?



There it is! I KNEW Shadow had to come back at least once in Season 2, and there's my proof right there! I don't know what episode this is from, but we can assume that it is from one of the first few episodes in Season 2 due to the fact that this screenshot is already floating around out there and that if the new season is set to release in the U.S. this fall, it must have just recently started over in Europe. (Lucky!) I'm hoping that maybe since he returns so early he will be more of a recurring antagonist in this season. Eggman can get kind of old and predictable after a while. (Plus, you know me - I just REALLY want more Shadow!)

I am SUPER excited and probably even more impatient for the next season to air, but I can rest a little bit easier knowing that my favorite character will be returning sooner rather than later! EEEK!!

OK. I'm going to get out of here before I explode with happiness and die before I get a chance to experience all of the awesome Sonic things. Just wanted to give you all an update on what's happening in the Mobian universe right now! Until next time, I'm up, over, and GONE!! :D