Holy crap I got so much writing done this month. About halfway through I was worried I would never get the rest of my story over on Wattpad written before NaNo, but midway last week I suddenly got this burst of motivation out of absolutely nowhere, wrote 6500+ words in one sitting, and now only have 1.5 chapters and an epilogue to write before the end of November to finish up "Worlds Collide." It felt so awesome to write so much in one go. That was my version of NaNoPrep! My current stats for this story are 4,169 reads; 307 votes; and 144 comments.
But, as you know, National Novel Writing Month starts at midnight tonight! I have yet to announce my novel here, so I'll go ahead and do so. Last year I wrote my very first attempt at New Adult Crime Fiction, Jenkins and Smith, which you can read about here. It turned out awful as I had no idea what I was doing and majorly changed the plot at least once or twice, but I had so much fun writing it, and I had a fantastic idea for a sequel, so that's what I'm doing! My NaNoWriMo 2016 novel is titled Jenkins and Smith: Last Man Out. Feel free to stalk my progress here. I'm so excited to start writing!
My reading progress has been lacking recently, and I truly don't have much of an excuse for that. My plan for now is to put reading to the back-burner during November, then come back with a bang in December and read like crazy. So prepare yourselves for the December post! This month I read:
- Of Dreams and Rust by Sarah Fine
- The Amazing Book is Not on Fire by Dan Howell and Phil Lester
*SPOILERS AND RANTING AHEAD* Back in August I read Of Metal and Wishes, which I praised as being an even better version of The Phantom of the Opera. And it truly was amazing! I gave it five stars without a second thought. Then I began my determined quest to obtain its sequel, Of Dreams and Rust. And...ugh. Just thinking about the second book makes me so mad. I ultimately gave it four stars because it was really, really well done and a very worthy sequel, but I cannot get over the fact that A) Wen did not end up with Bo and B) BO DIED!! Are you kidding me? I would have at least felt better if she didn't end up with him and he lived, but not only did she choose Melik over him, he died saving Melik's life! Wen had no idea what an amazing person Bo was and how much better of a choice he was for her, even after he was gone. I am enraged that stupid Melik won her over. He does not deserve her in the slightest! UGH. #WenAndBoForever
Okay. Calming down now.
At the same time I read The Amazing Book is Not on Fire by Dan and Phil. Who knew that the essence of their videos could be compressed into a physical form, through mere words? I loved every single page of this adventure and am now even more proud and happy to be part of the Phandom. This was a much-needed reprieve after the tragedy of the book discussed above (even though I finished this one first).
I suffered a serious book hangover for the first time in a while after finishing Of Dreams and Rust. It took me a good few days to get out of the utter depression it left me in, but I've finally been able to move on and pick up a new story. I am now currently reading Warlock Holmes, which is fantastical and mysterious and stupidly fun. I'm loving it so far.
And that sums up October! NaNoWriMo, here I come!
Side note: Do not expect serious blog posts throughout next month, as I will be busy drinking Cherry Cola, eating M&M's, and writing my story at all hours of the day. Instead I will do what I did last year and give you two brief updates as well as a final recap of my ventures when it's all said and done. (AKA I'mma show off my winner's page again!) See you next time! ;)