Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saving Solanda: Book Review

I feel bad that it took me so long to sit down and read this book, seeing how I had it for a month before finally getting it done. I felt like I had a bajillion books I needed to read for school first and it took me all eternity to get through those. Whose great idea was it to read a 600-pager and a 400-pager at the same time? Anyway, before I go into my review, I want to say congrats again to my grandmom for publishing her second book! Also, I am going to be 100% honest about what I think. So here we go!

Saving Solanda is a sci-fi / dystopian novella that tells the continuing story of Roof Oasis. On Earth, The Leader is rapidly gaining power and appears unstoppable, though twins Michael and Lucy are going to do their best to prove otherwise. Meanwhile on Solanda, Queen Elizabeth faces a revolt unless she can successfully marry her daughter to a prince from a neighboring planet. Her daughter, however, has plans of her own.

In Book 1 the story was divided into two parts - one focusing on Lucy and the other on Michael. However, Book 2 does things a little differently in that it shuffles focus with every chapter. This book actually had chapters! That was a nice change of pace from its predecessor.

Some things I liked about this book are as follows: I really, really love the story of Queen Elizabeth and Princess Bird. I won't give spoilers here, but I thought their relationship was great and the way their joint story ended was perfect. I also liked the story of what was happening on Earth. Lucy's, especially, was very well done. I am anxious to see what happens to her in Book 3. Finally, I thought that Patty's character development was scary, but in a good way. The last line of this book gave me chills and promises that the next installment will be even more intense. I can't wait.

Some things I didn't prefer about this book: As I've said before, I don't care for language in anything, no matter the author, so there's that. My biggest complaint about this book would be the grammatical errors. There were so many of them that it was actually difficult for me to plow through some sections. Way, way too many commas were used in this novella. Use them sparingly! Also, there were a few things that were not very clear to me. One example is the dream Bird had about Potate. I had no clue that was a dream sequence, and when he was suddenly alive a few chapters later I was thrown way off track. Another example was Lucy and the baby. One minute she's in complete denial, and the next she's accepting him and naming him and crying for him? Maybe it's just because I've never had children or been pregnant, but I did not think that scene was genuine.

Overall, I gave this book a 2/5 rating, meaning it was okay. That is compared to the last book, which I gave a 3/5. Honestly, the grammatical errors are what did it for me. Clean up the commas and throw in some more editing time and this book would be as good as (if not better than) the first. That said, I'm excited for Book 3. Congrats again, grandmom!

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