Monday, November 9, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015 Update #1

The irony of my writing this blog post right now is that I am actually at a write-in, which is specifically designed to help participants focus on their stories and get words written down. In the past hour I have written all of 400 words (if that), and it's because there are two other people here with me - both boys - and they are playing their music very loudly and muttering to themselves and it is very distracting when I am the type of writer that needs total silence to get things done.

So, in light of this situation, I thought I'd at least do something productive and tell you about how NaNoWriMo has treated me so far.

I wrote 6,000 words on the first day, which was awesome. (I also only got three hours of sleep before teaching the pre-school class at my church, but y'know...sacrifices must be made.) Then I wrote a little over 2,000 words the following day, putting me three days ahead. After that I kind of slowed down a bit, writing a few hundred words here and there. On Thursday I got sick, so I only wrote one sentence. The next two days were just plain busy. My goal was to hit 15,000 words today (since that is where we are ideally supposed to be), but with the way this write-in is going and with work less than an hour away, I highly doubt that is going to happen. Maybe next time.

I am currently at 12,558 words.

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