Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Reading Like a Boss

I wanted to write a full-length blog post about halfway through the month, but things are so nuts right now with my reading and with Christmas and New Year's coming up that I simply can't find the time to do anything longer than what you'll see here. So just to keep you up to date with things, here is a brief overview of the craziness that has been December so far.

I was fully recovered from the insanity of NaNoWriMo by about December 10, and I ended up writing another 2,000 words of my novel in that time. It's still not finished, but it's pretty close. I'm satisfied with where it is for now.

I gave myself a couple of days at the beginning of the month to just do nothing. No writing, no reading - nothing that would tax my already melted brain. But it wasn't long before I finally picked up a book and started my reading quest. As of the last time I posted something here I was reading Psion and Everything, Everything. I have finished the latter; I'm still about 100 pages away from finishing the former. My review for at least one of those will be in my wrap-up at the end of the month.

After I finished Everything, Everything, though, I got a little overzealous with my reading and...well...I am now currently reading four books at the same time.

Yes, yes, I know I'm crazy. But there is a method to my madness - or at least there was when I decided to go ahead and start reading that fourth book. To be fair to myself I am almost done with two of them, and I'm hoping that even with the craziness of Christmas weekend coming up I'll be able to get a decent amount of reading done. My plan is to finish those two books this week so that I'll only be reading two at once, and then power through a shorter book toward the end of the month to get to my goal of 50. Either way, guys, this is the year - I am actually going to make my Goodreads goal for the first time!

This has been a great year for me in terms of both reading and writing. At this point I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get any more work done on Follow the Raven before the New Year, but all things considered, I did really well at getting 95% of my rewrite done in 2017. (Thank you, NaNoWriMo!) And finally reaching my goal of reading 50 books in a year is an awesome accomplishment to add to my other amazing accomplishment. I'm feeling really good about how 2017 treated me in the realm of books. It's a perfect springboard to try something new next year for both reading and writing! (You'll hear more about that in my wrap-up.)

That said, I'm off to finish my reading goals. I'll be back on December 31 with my wrap-up for the month as well as the year, and I'll get to tell you about my grand bookish plans for 2018 as well. See you next time!

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