Thursday, December 12, 2013

Taking a Break? Maybe?

Well, three days after my last post and I actually have nothing to do! I feel really weird not having to do any homework...I did so much of it yesterday...actually, that's all I did yesterday. The moment I walked in the door from school I started on my homework for the evening (consisting of four math assignments, two science assignments, and one Spanish project) and didn't finish until about 10:00 PM. Somehow I managed to get my laundry done during that time, though.

And to reward myself I watched Slash and Destroy again. A well-deserved 22-minute break if I do say so myself.

In other news, my science teacher is letting me keep the TMNT pictures I used in my presentation! Woohoo! Also, my concert on Tuesday went surprisingly well, considering how mass rehearsal went. We had one minor mess-up when the girls' choir didn't know which way to exit after our last song, but other than that everything went well. My friend Rachel had her very first solo. She was so nervous, but she did great, just like I told her she would.

Let's see...what else? Right now I am just taking a huge break from schoolwork. I had nothing but homework yesterday and today I had very little and got it done within half an hour of getting home. So now I have the rest of the night to just chillax! My plans are to watch some TMNT, write 2,000 words for my novella (I didn't write yesterday because of how much homework I had and how tired I was, so I will make up for it today), and then crash.

So yeah...I think that's about all I have for you. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

Yes, I know "watching" is spelled wrong in this picture, but just go with it (because I TOTALLY look like this).

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