Monday, December 9, 2013

Keeping Busy...But There's Always Time for TMNT!

Yeah, I just got done with a ton of homework...who knew missing two days could give you so much to do? I had stuff to do for 5 of my 7 classes, and the other two are choirs! Yikes! I had an essay to write, notes to catch up on in psychology, a presentation due in science, a math assignment, and studying for a Spanish test tomorrow. Finally done...until I wake up at 6:45 tomorrow morning so I can be at school at 7:35 for two mass choir rehearsals. Then I have a concert at 7:00...ugh. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me too...

So I might as well blog now to make myself feel better! Haha :)

First I want to show you the cover slide for my science presentation...since I am doing a report on freshwater turtles...

Cool, right? I don't know if my teacher will let me keep it...but here's hoping! A pre-mutated version of Spike and the original 1987 turtles also have cameos in the presentation. Hopefully they get to stay there...the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are the only reason I chose a report on turtles in the first place. Of course. :)

Second, I meant to do this earlier, but I just haven't had the time. Slash and Destroy! Holy flip, what a dark episode! Not in the same way as Parasitica or Invasion of the Squirrelanoids, though. This one was more emotionally dark. Corey Feldman (who played Donatello in the 1990s movies and Sparx in SRMTHFG!) did the voice for the newly mutated Spike (now called Slash). I was not expecting the episode to turn out the way it did at spoilers here, but go check it out for yourself and see what I mean! It gives you a chance to learn the story behind this picture:

Isn't that cute?! I loved this scene! In fact, I am now writing a 25,000-word novella based on it (since I epically failed my first NaNoWriMo and the thing going on right now is 25k in December).

Well, I think that's all I have for now...I still have 1,000 words to write today so I can keep up the pace. In the meantime, I shall leave you with Peppermint Winter, the all-choirs mass number we are performing tomorrow night, along with these awesome words of advice:

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