Thursday, February 14, 2013

What I Love and Why I Love It

So since it’s Valentine’s day, I figured I’d shed some light on why I love the characters I do so much. (This is what I do when I have no actual Valentine to talk about. XD)

First up…Sonic the Hedgehog!

Why do I love this speedy blue hero so much? To be perfectly honest, it’s not just one thing, and there are so many things I love about Sonic that when a friend of mine asked me last week why I loved him so much,  I didn’t have a good answer for her! *gasp* Here are a FEW of the many reasons why I love Sonic the Hedgehog:

He’s a great person all-around. Sonic’s view on the war with Robotnik have changed over the years and in his four TV series, but his opinion about friendship and loyalty haven’t changed one bit. Sonic is always there for his friends. He would never betray them and, as he has proven several times over, would give his life to save any one of them. He’s also got a great personality: optimistic, energetic, happy, and, as always, funny. Very rarely do you see him angry. This makes him a great role model, too. Then, of course there are his quotes. Sonic the Hedgehog, quite simply, has got the best quotes in the entire universe. My favorites include:

“When you have time to worry, then run.” (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006) This is probably his most famous quote. Every Sonic fan knows this quote, whether they know where it’s from or not. Since I own the game, I know where it’s from. :)

“Just smile.” (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006)

“Nothing starts until you take action.” (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006)

“I just got to do what I’ve got to do. That’s all.” (Sonic and the Black Knight)

To sum things up, Sonic is the most way-past-cool hedgehog ever created, and with luck they will still be coming out with Sonic games and TV shows when I’m 100 years old. (And I’ll still scream like a fangirl, just like I do now!) I hear they’re coming up with a new game in which Sonic and Shadow have to work TOGETHER! That would be so totally awesome! :D

Next up, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It would be unfair to choose just one of these guys, so I’ll give you something on each of them (from oldest to youngest).

First off, I love Leonardo because he is an excellent leader and brother. In every series you watch, he is always there for his family and friends when they need him, no matter the personal cost (as was proven in “The Shredder Strikes Back” from TMNT 2003 and again in “The Alien Agenda” from TMNT 2012.)

Second, I love Raphael (the most, I admit) because he taught me that it’s okay to be angry as long as you can control it. Anyone who watches TMNT or reads the comics knows that Raphael is a total hothead, meaning he can blow up over anything (and does, quite often). Watching this happen continuously and then watching him turn around and calm himself and apologize inspired me to do the same. I love Raph because I can relate to him the most of the four turtles. That, and he has some really awesome quotes, too.

Third, I love Donatello because of his intelligence. The things this guy comes up with as far as attack plans and gadgets are just awesome. It’s also neat to hear him talk about things because you can really learn from him.

Finally, there’s Michelangelo. I love Mikey because he’s just so funny! I LOVE the 2003 version of him. Every other word out of his mouth has me laughing out loud. I’d tell you what my favorite of all-time is, but it would take too long to write here. Instead I’ll have you watch “Meet Casey Jones” from TMNT 2003 and keep an eye out for when Mikey is sent to hang up the sign. Funniest thing ever!

Then, to wrap things up here, there is Master Splinter. He’s a cool teacher. I think I’ve learned more about Japan from listening to his stories and instruction and from watching TMNT than I have in school. How awesome is that?

I haven’t talked much about Super Robot Monkey Team HyperForce Go! (SRMTHFG), but since I’m here I’ll let you in on this series, too.

There are too many characters to elaborate, but I love this show in general because of all the adventures there are! If you’re ever looking for some great action/drama/romance/mystery/semi-horror, this is the place for you. The HyperForce covers practically every genre. They travel to the ends of the universe to tell you the story of Shuggazoom and unravel the mysteries surrounding each of the individual characters, as well as the team as a whole. My favorite episodes are in the last part of Season 3 and entire Season 4 because it really offers a close look at each member of the HyperForce and their relationships with each other. And, for the record, the season finale is AMAZING. Betrayal from within! Dun-dun-DUN! XD

So yeah. I think that covers everything. I just love being a nerd. C:

~John 3:16~

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