Monday, March 10, 2014

Long Post: School Updates and TMNT Episode Overviews

Can anyone say "busy?" Good grief, it's been over a month since I updated this blog! :O

School has been nuts, and it's only going to get crazier. This month is already looking swamped for me. Between birthdays, schoolwork, NHS, and other activities, I'll be lucky to get much down time in the next two weeks. I have two NHS events going on this Wednesday and Saturday, then we have our festival concert on March 18th, Katie Sawyer's birthday on the 19th, Jazz Festival on the 20th (an all day event), and Luke's birthday on the 21st. (He'll be freaking 19 years old! Yikes!)

After that is a well-deserved Spring Break! :D

And then it's back to craziness. The Friday after break, April 4th, is my dad's birthday. Prom is April 5th. Then I'm taking an overnight trip to the University of Wyoming on April 6th and 7th. Just a week or so after that is District Music Festival (remember my post about Moorcroft last year?). Then, either shortly before or shortly after that, it's Solo and Ensemble Festival, in which I have a duet with my friend Rachel. We're singing Loch Lomond, a Scottish art song.

Think it's over yet? Nope! Because after that it's May! Talent show, senior checkout forms, senior finals, graduation...and then college! Holy crap!

I am going to be SWAMPED the next few months...but hopefully I'll get in some fun down time with the gang. Hopefully.

So now you kind of have an idea of what's going on in my life...if there aren't many blog posts in the future, refer back to this one to see why! Haha.

Anyway, in other news...TMNT 2012 has had several other episodes since I last posted. Here is a brief overview and some pictures:

S02E09: The Kraang Conspiracy
Does this picture give you an idea?

S02E10: Fungus Humoungus
Again, I think this picture will give you an idea.

S02E11: Metalhead Rewired
Metalhead is back, and smarter than ever! With an upgraded A.I. and some new gadgets, Donnie has transformed the little robot we all know and love into a machine not to be trifled with...until, of course, Metalhead is zapped by some funky Kraang tech...

S02E12: Of Rats and Men
The Rat King is well as a new ally: Ice Cream Kitty (voiced by Kevin Eastman, one of the co-creators of TMNT)!

S02E13-14: The Manhattan Project
Contrary to popular belief, this episode is NOT called "Wormquake." It is called "The Manhattan Project."
There are SO many plot twisters and exciting things happening in this episode...(SPOILER ALERT - SKIP TO PAST PICTURE) to say that a new villain is introduced, Karai rescues Splinter, and the 80's Turtles are featured would only be scratching the surface!

So yeah! Lots of exciting things happening in the TMNT universe right now! I don't know when the next episodes will be out, but my guess is since they had a big haul in February followed by the hour-long special last week, we won't be seeing anything new for a while. They always do that to us. XD

Well, now that I have brought you mostly up-to-date on things, I think I'm out of here. I don't have much significant info concerning Sonic Boom, the TMNT movie, or Doctor Who. Sorry. See you next time! :-)

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