Wednesday, May 7, 2014

10 Days Left

Holy crap, you guys. Now I can count the number of days I have left in school with my fingers! Yikes!

In school news, I tried out for the senior solo for "Touch the Sky" from the movie Brave. I was one of seven people, since only seniors were allowed to audition and most seniors already tried for and received a different solo. So yeah. I may actually have a chance this time. It would be cool to get the solo for the mass number at the end of the concert.

I am getting as much help in math as I can, since I only have 10 days and I really want to get my grade in Algebra II from a C to a B- at least. It will look better on my record and help my GPA. (Plus I've never gotten lower than a B- on any report card in my life.)

Now for the nerdy stuff. Nothing new for Sonic quite yet...I'm keeping my eyes open, though. I've heard rumors that Shadow is going to be in the new TV series. I certainly hope so! He's my favorite character!

No new trailers or pics for the TMNT movie, but the new episode of the 2012 series aired on Sunday, titled "The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman." And to quote the Black Nerd on YouTube, "Gee, I wonder what this episode is about?" It was really good, and SUPER funny. Holy cow. I almost choked on my popcorn at one point because I was laughing so hard.

I don't know if you all remember the Baxter Fly from the original 1987 show, but this version of him is a lot more realistic. And creepy.

On a side note, while looking for stuff about Ratchet and Clank on YT, I stumbled across Sly Cooper and his video games. He is also about to hit the big screen (in 2016). He seems like a modern Robin Hood...kinda.

Speaking of Robin Hood, I watched it last night for the first time in years. Now that I'm older I appreciate it a lot more. The love song in the middle doesn't seem so boring anymore. Haha :-)

Anyways, there you have it: nerdy update for today. See you all next time!

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