Friday, May 30, 2014

This Is So Weird

I'm finished with high school. I graduated on Sunday, May 25, with honors.

And today I registered for college and set up my schedule for the fall semester. Woohoo!

College seems like it will be a fun challenge. My earliest class starts at 10 AM, so I don't have to get up super early for school like I've been doing for most of my life. I am taking a total of 14.5 credits this semester. I have a basic English and Math class, two History classes, a Wellness course, and Collegiate Chorale. Since I completed Spanish 3 (aka Spanish 1010), I don't have to worry about taking it this semester. Another nice thing is that I got the info I needed about the CLEP test, which I plan to take to fulfill my Foreign Language requirement completely. My Spanish teachers and I all think I am more than ready to do so. And if I do, that leaves room for choir again second semester.

The total cost for my classes is $1431. That does not include books, though. I will be buying those later on. I also really want to live on campus, but depending on how much money I receive from scholarships and grants and whatnot, I may not be able to make it happen this year. Who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky.

My orientation is on June 9, at which time I'll be given a tour of the campus and introduced to my resources and things like that. Pretty exciting stuff! I found out that at least three of my classes are actually in the building I went to this morning to set up my schedule. That's handy.

My academic advisor is really nice, too. She explained things very clearly and made the process go by quickly and smoothly. She answered every question I had in a way that was easy to understand (thankfully, because as a new freshman, I haven't really "gotten my college on" yet. Haha).

All in all, a great first experience dealing with college people for real. It is so crazy to be on the campus and look around and think, "This is my new school." :-)

Also, quickly, before midnight comes around in a few minutes...happy birthday to Kevin Eastman, one of the co-creators of TMNT! He is 52 years old today. :D

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