Monday, May 19, 2014

2 Days Left (And Nerd Rage!)

Hi, I'm Kathryn and I'm a cartoon nerd...and I'm angry! AGH Nerd Rants! (Sorry Andre, had to steal your thunder for a sec.) Anyway, I'll get to that in a moment down below. First I figure you all would like some school updates.

Well, folks, this is it...tomorrow and Wednesday are my last two days in high school. I am taking finals both days. Tomorrow consists of Choir, AP Psych, English, and Spanish finals. I attend classes like normal, only I take finals in those classes while I am there. First hour choir will bleed over into second hour AP Psych, but my teacher told me I actually don't have a final in there, so when I arrive tomorrow all he will do is sign the form that says I'm all good. Then I go back to choir and take a breather for a while, since I'll have already done my work for that class.

English is going to be an easy final because all I have to do is turn in my project (which I am only 20% finished with as of right now...and it's due tomorrow...remind me why I'm typing this blog post again?). My Spanish final is another one I'm not really worried about. I've always done fine in Spanish and probably always will (which is why I plan to CLEP test out of it at the college).

Wednesday I don't have to come to school until about 11 AM, since I'll already have finished my finals for periods 1-3 the day before. I have a final in 4th period that will be fairly easy. Then I will have about 1 hour and 45 minutes to chill until my last final of all time...Algebra II. (Help.)

Then I'm outta there! It's a bittersweet feeling, honestly, because of course I'm excited for graduation but I'm also sad that I'm leaving high school and a lot of my friends behind when I go to college (most of my buddies are not seniors like I am).

OK! Moving on to...NERD RAGE!

So yesterday Nickelodeon released a new episode of TMNT 2012, called "Pizza Face." I have one word to describe this episode: creepy. Absolutely creepy. I haven't been this freaked out by an episode since "Parasitica" way back in Season 1. Here's an idea of what the episode contained:

Can anyone say, "What the crap?" Because I will NEVER look at pizza the same way again now!

Now it's time for...NERD RAGE!

I'll be honest, the first time I watched this episode I thought something was up with Leo's voice, but I didn't really pay much attention because I was more focused on the story and what they were saying than how they were saying it. So it completely slipped my notice. But today...the second time through...I was like, "That's not Leo. It doesn't sound right."

So I looked it up. And guess what I found? Jason Biggs was kicked off of TMNT and replaced by Dominic Catrambone! WHAAAAAA?!?! Since when?! Why?? Right in the middle of a season? Seriously, Nick, Jason Biggs made me love Leo like I never have before, and you're taking him away? WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?! D:

This will take some getting used to. Changing a voice actor is no small thing. I mean, look at Sonic. Jason Griffith was completely different from Jaleel White, and Roger Craig Smith is completely different from Jason Griffith. Changing the voice means changing the character at least a little. For some it's not such a big deal, but for others it is! Dominic has 3 episodes to impress me, and "Pizza Face" was one of them. If he fails, it's on like Donkey Kong! (Yes, a Mobian just made a Mario reference. Blech.)

URGH. Nickelodeon...why you do this?! *sigh* Adios, Jason Biggs. You were awesome.

One more thing: in case you missed it, I received a bunch of new info about Sonic Boom! Check it out in the previous post!

Now...I'm up, over, and gone!

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