Thursday, May 15, 2014

4 Days Left

I was going to do a "5 Days Left" entry, but I had stuff going on and I just completely spaced it. So here I am today, able to count the number of days I have left on one hand.

In school news, I got the solo for "Touch the Sky" that I auditioned for, so I sang the mass number solo on Tuesday for my last high school choir concert. I cried a lot that night. As soon as I exited the stage after my last song, I went backstage to get my purse from the choir room and started bawling. Lucky for me I have a lot of awesome friends who were there for me. I got hugs from pretty much everyone. Some teachers I don't even know told me I sang well. Luke carried me across the parking lot to my car since it was starting to hurt when I walked (thanks to my shoes).

It was a great night, however emotional and saddening it was. The next day I turned in all of my music and sight reading, and now I am able to keep my choir folders permanently. I finished my last bit of music theory today, so I'm all caught up and ready to take my final. I will have tomorrow and Monday as a sort of study hall to catch up with other classes if needed.

Math is still being a pain, and at this point I highly doubt I can bring my grade up from where it is, but I have less time than everyone else to get that done. We are getting ready for our final. I can already tell by the review worksheets that it's going to be a really hard test. Yikes.

Now for nerdy news!

Still nothing for Sonic, but TMNT 2012 aired a new episode on Sunday, titled "Newtralized!" I won't give everything away, but prepare yourselves...Slash returns! The Newtralizer can speak (voiced by Danny Trejo)! And are Raph and Casey about to have a falling out? Better watch it and see for yourself!

THIS JUST IN: Tiger Claw returns?! That's right! "The Wrath of Tiger Claw" is coming at you...I don't know when. The date hasn't been set yet. But that's just like them...they give us a bunch of awesome episodes, make us wait forever, and then give us one totally worth waiting for! Anyone else excited for his return? :D

Aside from the obvious, I am currently watching a TV show about one of the cartoon characters I grew up with: Mumfie! Who knew he had his own TV show? I thought he only had a movie!

My brother keeps getting onto Netflix and seeing Mumfie there almost every day...and being the 13-year-old boy he is, he's like, "Who watches this stuff?"

What can I say? I'm still a kid inside! Besides, Mumfie is a sweetheart. So is Scarecrow (still my favorite character).

That's about it for now. I'll be back soon with more school updates. My last day is May 21 - this Wednesday! Eeek!

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